In its latest global climate report, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration confirmed that July…
For the second time, the World Health Organization has declared that mpox, formerly called monkeypox,…
Access to clean water is a human right — one that half of the world…
Imagine going on a weeklong business trip and not coming home until the following year.…
In some parts of sub-Saharan Africa, nearly 10 percent of children die before they turn…
The neutrino “fog” is beginning to materialize. Lightweight subatomic particles called neutrinos have begun elbowing…
Any way you slice it, a paper cut is painful. Magazines, letters and books harbor…
Soon people will be able to subdue a severe allergic reaction with a nasal spray…
Scientists have just slashed the potential hiding spaces for dark matter particles. The LUX-ZEPLIN, or…
Extreme Climate Survey Scientific news is collecting questions from readers about how to navigate our…